一井定信先生(弘前大学大学院医学研究科)の脳活バランサーCogEvoに関する論文がGeriatrics & Gerontology International(GGI)にアクセプト(受容)されました。(オンライン版に掲載)
Cognitive function balancer (Cog Evo) is a sensitive and easy psychiatric test battery for age-related cognitive decline」
Sadanobu Ichii a), Takumi Nakamura b), Takeshi Kawarabayashi a)b)c), Masamitsu Takatama c), Tetsuya Ohgami d), Kazushige Ihara a) and Mikio Shoji a)c)e
a. Department of Social medicine, Hirosaki University Graduate School of Medicine,
b. Department of Neurology, Gunma University Hospital,
c. Department of Neurology, Dementia Research Center, Geriatrics Research Institute and Hospital,
d. Department of Pharmacology, Aomori University,
e. Department of Neurobiology and Behavior, Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine
Geriatrics & Gerontology International(GGI)日本老年医学会の公式英文誌
オンライン版はこちら(GGI Web site)